Migration, Memory & Memorial

migration memory memorial
Newspaper image © The British Library Board. All rights reserved. With thanks to the British Newspaper Archive.

Wednesday February 20, 1901


PARIS, Tuesday. Intense cold still prevails in Paris and the suburbs. Ten deaths from cold were reported yesterday.— Reuter.



PARIS, Saturday. A most unprovoked attack was made yesterday upon Baron Edward Rothschild. It occurred when the Baron was riding his auto-car in the afternoon in Avenue de Neuilly. A labourer engaged in repairing the road suddenly threw a heavy spade under the wheels of the car, shouting at the same time, “Down with Jews.” Several spokes of the wheal were broken, and parts of the machinery put out of gear, bringing the car to a standstill. The Baron’s driver made effort to arrest the workman, but was prevented by several of the labourer’s fellow workmen, who drove him back. In the meantime, Baron Rothschild was forced to take refuge in a passing cart, amidst the jeers of the labourers. —Dalziel.

In January or February 1901 Abraham and Dora moved with Jacques to Paris.

Rental Agreement
Between the undersigned
Has been agreed as follows:

Mr. C. Lemaire, Architect Géraut, landlord of a property located in Paris, 275 Faubourg St Antoine, offered Mr …, living on 32 Claude Tillier Street, to rent him a flat. The latter accepted the offer.
The flat is in Building E, first floor and consists of an entrance, toilets, closet, kitchen, dining room and a large room. This flat is part of the above-mentioned property. The price of rental will be 400 francs per year, which Mr. … has to pay in instalments every 3 months, from next July. He will be entitled to move in on July 1st. Mr … also agrees to pay upon arrival, 100 francs, that is, a term of rent, in advance. This constitutes the payment for the last term of rent before Mr. … leaves the property.
The landlord owns all the plumbing and gas appliances.
Besides, Mr … has to strictly comply with what follows:
To respect the property’s “bourgeois” standard
To furnish the property with valuable furniture so that they can guarantee the payment of the rent
To keep the property in good condition and, if needed, to proceed to some repairs
To pay the city and police taxes
To refrain from sub-leasing the property in its entirety or in part without a written agreement from the landlord
To refrain from making significant changes to the property without a written agreement from the landlord
To accept that major repairs may be made in the property, if deemed needed or useful, without being entitled to any financial compensation, regardless of how long these works last.
To hire and pay, at least twice a year, the house heating engineer who will come to sweep the chimney. The tenant might have to have the chimneys swept more often if necessary. In any case, the tenant will have to prove that he seriously took care of the chimneys by hiring a heating engineer in September at the latest and before April. Chimneys will be paid 1 franc, the cost for the ovens will depend on their size.
To never throw any liquid in the house plumbing during the “frosts” (i.e. during that time of the year when there is frost every night). Instead water and other liquids must be brought downstairs and poured in the street
To refrain from placing on the balconies or against the windows, no flowers, pots, cages or anything that could harm the property’s overall aspect or its cleanliness. Also refrain from hanging the washing or anything else on the handrails, or windows, or balconies.
To put on the stair no hook or any sort of coat rack
To have no dog or any other animal
To refrain from carrying water, wood, coal or any other large parcel after 10am
To accept visits in the property, from 9am to 5pm
Costs for registering this new leasing, if necessary, will be paid by the tenant
Made in Paris, on June 4th 1901
The tenant
Abraham …

On 14th December 1901 Elise was born to Dora and Abraham in Paris, France

In December 1901, Tilly, Abraham’s mother travelled from Odessa to the UK.

It is possible that she arrived early 1902 as shown on the date stamp in her passport.

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